No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RIP Jean Henri Gaston Giraud aka Moebius

Posted By on March 10, 2012

I don’t remember the first piece of Moebius’ artwork I saw. I just remember looking at it and thinking Wow. It very well might have been the Silver Surfer since I associate his artwork with the character so strongly. But I remember that after that I knew when I saw his artwork.

He did a lot of work in the film industry as well. His drawings were always fascinating to look at and then really look at. There was a lot to look at.

When Peter and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary, we lucked into a trip that took us to a Star Trek convention in Italy and a series of comic book shop signings in Paris. The owner of the comic book shops arranged for us to have lunch with Moebius.

He was delightful. A witty raconteur with a million stories to tell. We talked about art, comics, film, television and many other topics. It was one of those meals that goes on and on but you hope it won’t end because you are having so much fun. He found out that that Peter and I were celebrating our first anniversary and that I was pregnant with my first child. So he drew us this

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(For the VI: this is a picture of the Marvel Character the Silver Surfer holding his surfboard standing on sand. The Surfer (on the right) is done in blue pencil. The surfboard(on the left) is red with a white strip down the middle.)

It was quite appropriate for our first anniversary since it is made of paper.

We have treasured both it and the memories of that lovely afternoon at a bistro in Paris talking with Moebuis and other artists about all kinds of topics that we found interesting.

I am grateful that I got to meet Moebius especially under such wonderful circumstances.


One Response to “RIP Jean Henri Gaston Giraud aka Moebius”

  1. […] has passed away. There are rememberances up from Harry Knowles, Glenn Haumann, The Beat and Kathleen David have their posts up. Meanwhile, Bennefield is broken hearted and prone to start fights on the USS […]