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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy 75th Birthday to My Mother!!!

Posted By on March 5, 2012

Today is my mother’s 75th Birthday.

If she didn’t exist then I wouldn’t and you wouldn’t be reading this. But she does and I do and that’s pretty cool in its own right.

My mom did a great job raising my brothers, sister, and me. I know that at times it wasn’t easy but she managed to change four id driven babies into four responsible, civic-minded adults with all the temper tantrums and teen age angst along the way.

As I have stated before my parenting skills come from the example she set for me. When I hit one of those cross-roads that can be pretty scary, I think of what my mother did with me and my brothers and sister and pretty much follow her lead.

She has written a book that is on iTunes called “Teaching Nursing in the Clinical Setting”. She taught nursing for many years and was very good at it. She has taught many others how to teach nursing to students so that we can have well trained nurses. She is passionate about teaching.

She is also passionate about gardening. I learned a lot about how to grow plants and flowers from her. I can keep a tomato plant alive which makes me pretty happy. This spring/summer, Caroline and I are going to have a vegetable garden with things that Caroline likes and things that she wants to try. I want to get that going and then an herb garden. My mother has a magnificent herb garden. She can go out her backdoor and pluck fresh herbs for whatever she is making. It makes the food taste that much better. I have said that she has a green thumb but it is more than that. She works hard on her gardens and it shows. I love her rose garden which is so beautiful. She has turned her love of plants into a Master Gardener certificate and she answers questions for other gardeners all the time.

She had retired but keeps herself busy. It took her a while to go from retired to not teaching classes at Emory’s Nursing School but she did it on her own time and in her own way. Now she has time for things that she has always wanted to do. One of those is travel. My father and her have been some pretty cool places over the years. They have had adventures and seen things that most people only read about in travel books. They still go to the beach for a week once a year. They can just pick up and go when they like but have a home to come back to as well.

My mother worked very hard to get to where she is today and I am very proud of her. She is my shining example for so many things in my life. And I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for her.

I love you Mom. Happy Birthday and enjoy your birthday dinner.

I am so very grateful to the point that I can’t really express that my Mother is MY Mother.


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