Adventures with Hurricane Irene
Posted By Kathleen David on August 30, 2011
Just to catch everyone up on things. Here’s the timeline for the past couple of days
Friday: Find out that parts of our town are under evacuation order including our street. Found out on our way to a Mets/Braves game. Did the grown-up thing and came home to figure out what we were going to do. Found a place to stay in Hartford that would take all the cats which was not an easy thing.
Saturday: Caroline, Fig the Cat and I are off to Hartford. Peter stayed behind to take care of his office in the basement in case of flooding occurred and to make sure that the property was secure. We made it up to Hartford in pretty much record time. Caroline plays with her cousins and I take care of a few errands with Ariel. Caroline and I go to the motel to wait it out with Fig.
Sunday: We wake up with power and Internet. The skies are rather grey. There was some wind and some rain. Checked in with Peter. He’s fine although a little punchy without much sleep. He blogged the storm on his web log. I worked on things for DragonCon. Caroline watched DVDs and read books until she went to play with her cousins in the afternoon since there was little weather to deal with and they had power as well.
Monday: Caroline and I pack up the stuff we brought and Fig and head home. A lot of cars and a lot of people forgetting that turn signals are not a good idea but the law. Managed to pick my way through the various messes. 20 minutes from the house, I got hit on the front right quarter panels and the front right bumper. It was a double right and a large pick-up decided that they were doing a wide right rather than the tight right. That took about 5 hours to sort out because the cops were taking care of larger issues. So the van is in the shop and we are down a vehicle. Thanks to our neighbors who picked up Caroline and Fig and took them back to their house so they didn’t melt.
Overall, except for the Van, we’re fine. We’re home and need to do the interior cleaning to match the exterior cleaning we have done. We still have power and cable and Internet but even a couple of streets over, they are waiting on power to be restored. A number of towns have been told it might be by Friday before service is restored.
Now onto packing for DragonCon.
I am grateful for getting home and having a dry home to get back to.