No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI The Hurricane Irene Edition

Posted By on August 28, 2011

Yes, I know that I have three days to DragonCon. However, what I am doing for the Art show got severely curtailed due to the fact that I am currently sitting in a motel in Hartford and my husband is currently sitting in our house with 4 of the 5 cats. We have Fig with us since she is the troublemaker of the group. She is fine with all the attention and has made herself at home at the motel.

So anything I do now is going to be hand sewing or gluing at this point. I figure I will use today to pull out all the small hand sewing things that need to be done and do it along with at least two sculpts to the point of baking when I get home. If we have to stay here until Monday, then another day of sculpting will be done. Tuesday will be travel and outfits. Wednesday AM will be finishing then afternoon pack for DragonCon and go.

Caroline and I are fine. We drove up to Hartford in pretty much record time for us. No real traffic impeded our travel. Caroline spent the afternoon with her cousins and I spent sometime with Ariel catching up on various details of the beginning of the school year for her.

Caroline and I spent the evening settling into the motel. She watched “Underdog” on her TV and I watched the Weather Channel and sewed stuff in the other room. Fig bounced between the two making sure that we would pay attention to her when she wanted it. She went back to her cat carrier to sleep.

This morning it is raining and there is some wind but we currently have power, cable and Internet so we are ahead of the game. As of 9:30AM Peter had power and Internet but the cable just went. It’s OK we have DVDs if he is so inclined.

So now we wait until we can go home. It may be tomorrow or it may be Tuesday depending on the roads and the mudslides.

I am grateful that our house is intact after last night’s winds and rain.


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