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Kathleen David's weblog

Middle of the Week aka Hump day

Posted By on March 30, 2011

The Industry Revolution and what followed allows many of us to take two days of from work per week instead of one or none. There are some that have two jobs that they go seven days a week and there are others that have jobs, like farmers, that there is no such thing as a real day off. So Wednesday is the day that many start figuring out what their weekend is going to be.

I have a pretty fair idea what is going on this weekend and next weekend. After that it gets a little fuzzier but I know we have some things scheduled. My next breather will be after May 15th. Until then I am peddle to the metal until I get everything I need to get done, done.

Today is about the house. I have various errands I need to run along with a trip to the gym for my workout. I have a schedule of how I think I am going to get everything done. We’ll see how well I can keep it.

I heard one job is already filled and haven’t heard about the other two. So again I was resume to prove that they had what they needed in house. I wish they would at least talk to me before dismissing me so out of hand. May be we should get paid a nominal fee when our resume is used to fill some government rule.

I am grateful to anyone who looks at my resume seriously to fill a job.


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