Happy Rosh Hashanah 5770
Posted By Kathleen David on September 18, 2009
Which starts at Sunset today. It will be the year 5770 in the Jewish calendar. It may be a bit crass but I wonder how many people are going to play that as their pick 4 today and tomorrow.
I use to have a vague idea when the High Holy Days were in Judaism because I had a couple of friends in high school that were observant and my college had a large Hillel House. But since I married Peter, I have learned a lot about the High Holy Days and the Jewish faith.
So “Leshana tova tekatev v’etachetem” – May you be inscribed for a good year!
Peter is off on a business trip this weekend. Think good thoughts for him. So Caroline and I have a series of things we are going to do together this weekend including a day trip to see Ariel which Caroline is very excited about. This afternoon I am having a couple of her friends over to have a movie afternoon and some playtime. I think it will be fun for her and them. It is nice to see her playing with other children about her age.
Today I finish Ariel’s bathrobe which I promised to get to her this weekend. I don’t think anyone else on campus will have such a spiffy bathrobe.
I am grateful for things that make my family happy.