No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

The Clock is ticking faster

Posted By on August 15, 2009

So much for my slower part of the summer. It passed at the speed of sound and we are back to the speed of light. But we have a lot of fun stuff along the way to do before the end of the month and DragonCon.

So now I have to kick some stuff that needs to be done up a notch. We have three things happening pretty much on top of each other. Ariel is off to college. DragonCon is happening. Caroline starts first grade. So I am sorting out the time lines as to what has to happen when. The order is Ariel, DragonCon, and school. But there are things that need to happen for each to be done in a timely fashion. And we have a few things to insert into the mix so Caroline’s summer remains fun and active for her.

Tomorrow Caroline is looking forward to getting together with her friends at the Bronx Zoo which I have never been to either. Ariel is going to come with us because she hasn’t seen the zoo since about 2nd grade (over 10 years ago). Peter is going to stay home and work because he wants to get a jump on a few projects before DragonCon and he wants to have a few done before we leave.

I finally found the cloth I can use for Jack’s coat. Now I want to find something for the other half of Peter’s insane idea that I think would be Hilarious.

Today is all about the puppets. Tomorrow is all about the zoo.

Life is good.

I am grateful that I have all these fun things planned for Caroline for the rest of the summer.


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