No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Sunday in the City

Posted By on April 27, 2009

Caroline had a splendid Saturday playing with her best friend Katie that she doesn’t get to see that often. They played over here both inside and outside, over at Katie’s house, and at the local playground. They were inseparable as long as we let them be so.

Sunday we knew that Katie had to go back to her home and we also knew it was not going to be easy on Caroline. We had been talking about going into the city just to do a few things that we wanted to do so we packed the girls off and went into New York City.

On the way Peter had the idea to go to Books of Wonder which I hadn’t been to. We checked online via my iPhone as to the hours of the store. I noticed that one of Ariel’s favorite author’s was signing that day. Off we go to see Tamora Pierce who is signing her new book Bloodhound. We had fun talking to her and her husband and the other fans that were there. Caroline completed her Lyle the Crocodile collection including a couple I hadn’t heard of.

We went to FAO Schwartz where I got my last Christmas Present. There is a Muppet Whatnot workshop at the FAO Schwartz in New York. It is the closest that I will get to owning a real Muppet and I had a lot of fun putting mine together. The bonus for me was that a fellow puppeteer I had worked with, Gretchen, was working that day so we caught up on news and put a puppet together. Both wins for me. I am now the proud owner of Benny the Bowler.

We also went to the Disney Store and found out that the Disney Store in New York is probably going to close next year when their lease is up but not before. I took a lot of pictures of the piece of the balloon mobile that John Henson created for the brownstone where Henson use to have their offices. It is not the whole thing but about half and it is in need of a serious dusting but it is still there.

All in all a good day. Everyone had fun.

I am grateful for these sorts of days.


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