No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Earth Day 2009

Posted By on April 22, 2009

I think my first memories about Earth Day were at School and for some reason we went out and played with a large version of the globe. And the phrase “Hug your mother on Earth Day” being the planet sticks in my head. We recycled newspapers at my elementary school. There was always a contest for the most and that class got some cool prize. One year it was a field trip to Stone Mountain with lunch provided by the PTA. My class won that one.

When Caroline was told that today was Earth Day she pipes up, “Every day is Earth Day.” And she is right but it is nice to have a day to discuss the planet and give out a million tips that most forget within 24 hours of hearing them.

I am a compulsive light switch turn-offer. My parents grilled that one into me. I have been known to turn off lights when I leave the room with people still in the room much to their consternation. I can’t to the compact florescent bulbs. I have always had a problem with florescent light. If it gets out of phase just a little, my eyes pick it up and I get horrible headaches. I can also hear the old style florescent fixtures especially when the ballast starts to go. They use to use my ears at the Center for Puppetry Arts to tell when a fixture was going to go.

Today is recycling day in the township. I put out the sorted paper to be recycled. I use re-usable bags when I go to the store not to save the planet but because I hate plastic bags because it is hard to recycle them and they seem to multiply. So I have a number of canvas and recycled plastic bags to carry my purchases home. A friend from Europe a number of years ago told me that I was very European in this because the stores charge for bags so you bring with you.

I have been walking into town rather than driving now that the weather is warmer. I walk to the school when the weather permits. If I could remember how to ride a bike, I would probably bike more places.

We are told that there are small things we can do to help with the greater picture and it is true that it does help. I think we are doing a decent job of putting our children in the frame of mind to recycle and re-use and now we have to do the same. For many of us, Earth Day just has been since we were kids and we take pride in what we have done and I hope we continue to do more.

In other news, Caroline had another bout of strep. She is back at school and very happy to be there.

I am grateful for the shift away from plastic bags.


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