No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

House of the Ill

Posted By on April 20, 2009

Yesterday Caroline came to me complaining of a sore throat. She sacked out on the couch and took a long nap which is unusual for her. Her appetite was way off even for her and she kept spiking a fever. Yesterday evening she started get rid of everything in her stomach and we were off to the races. Peter took the night shift with her and stayed up with her to keep an eye on her. Ariel was looking off as well. So both girls are home and asleep. I took over so Peter could get some shut-eye without having to keep one eye open.

So today is all about the girls and taking care of them. The school prefers (insists) that a child be fever free for close to 24 hours before they can return to school. Most parents do abide by that rule. Caroline is look a little better and the fever is not as bad as it was last night so she seems on the mend.

One of my ears itches on the inside so I am keeping an eye on me as well as Peter since we have been in close quarters with the sickies.

I think I am going to do some research about a project today and then write at least 500 uncensored words on a short story I am cooking up based on something Peter and I came up with in the car. My plan is to write 500 to 1000 a day so I can get this thing out of my head and on paper.

Question for the group: Do you want me to post progress pictures of dolls and puppets? Did you find that interesting? Or would you prefer I didn’t post pictures at all. Yeah, I am asking for participation.

Also if you have gotten this far, ask me a question. I haven’t done this in a while and I am hoping that I get some.

I am grateful that Caroline is feeling better this morning.


2 Responses to “House of the Ill”

  1. Christine says:

    Please continue to post pictures of dolls and puppets. While I hadn’t been drawn to dolls/puppets in the past, I find that in the past few years I’m getting more and more fascinated by them. If you do decide to open that Esty store, please let us know!

    Since you asked, some questions for you: What inspires you when designing a new doll or puppet? Do you prefer to make them based on existing characters (Dr Who, Angel, etc…) or as unique creations? Thanks 🙂

    I hope Ariel and Caroline recover quickly, and that itch in your ear disappears. I’m recovering from a bad ear infection, and would not wish it on anyone.


  2. Tim Lynch says:

    I’d love to see more pictures of dolls and puppets.

    And here’s a question, albeit probably not what you wanted: you wrote that you were hoping to get “at least 500 uncensored words” today. What’s an uncensored word?

    Hope everyone feels better!
