No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI (The Kitty Détente Edition)

Posted By on April 18, 2009

We are having Treat spend more time upstairs with the other cats. They have seemed to have sorted out the cat pecking order and, for the most part, get along. We still have to keep Treat out of the upstairs food dish since he is on a special diet. We also have to keep the other three from his dish. I think because Treat has his own space down in Peter’s office, he doesn’t feel the need to defend the upstairs. He gets time with us without the other cats around and the other cats don’t have him around all the time either.

My sister said something really profound a couple of days ago. Once I have her permission to repeat it, I’ll write about it but it is her musings that I will be reflecting on so she gets to say yes or no.

The weather is improving slowly. I am hoping to get some yard work done today. Or maybe Caroline and I will walk to the library. I need to check and see if they cleared up Ariel’s library card. The library budget did pass and it was an important one.

Today is International Juggler’s Day so get out the bowling pins and chainsaws and do a few passes. Personally I am going to grab my beanbags and go a few rounds. If I practiced more, I would be a decent juggler rather than a barely adequate one. I’ll add that to the list of things to do.

It is interesting having a weekend where we don’t HAVE to be anywhere. I don’t think we have had one of these in a while. Ariel has a couple of functions but they are pretty close to home.

Mets won last night but if they keep getting that many men on base and not getting them around, they are going to end the season under 500. Considering the talent on that team, it would be a crying shame if that happened. Yankees are barely doing better. They, like the Mets, lost the first game in their new stadium. And I really don’t buy the reason that both teams didn’t do well in their new stadium was because they don’t know the ins and outs of the field yet.

It is warm enough that I have a bunch of windows open. The cats are going nuts bouncing from one window to another and sniffing the air. Spring is in the air.

This morning I think I am going to be transferring some older docs from my laptop to the hard drive. These are things I haven’t looked at in years along with about 5 years worth of blog entries. I want to hang onto them, but I don’t need them on my hard drive. This is part of my continued quest to gain some more space on my lap top. I can always plug in the drive and find what I am looking for.

I am grateful for more space on my laptop’s hard drive.


3 Responses to “RTBTCKI (The Kitty Détente Edition)”

  1. Sean says:

    I didn’t even know and I tried juggling three cans of corn this afternoon. My long-suffering wife was not amused, but our son was. Especially when one hit my toe.

  2. Jerri says:

    Isn’t it amazing how much personality is packed into one furry cat body? LOL And how unashamed they are to show their joy in the little things? I love cats!

  3. Bill Mulligan says:

    I wish we could figure out how to get one of our cats to not want to kill our newest member of the family. I think the fact that the new guy is a cornish rex and, thus, freakish looking, doesn’t help. Any tips?