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Kathleen David's weblog

I managed to do eveything yesterday with help from Peter

Posted By on April 15, 2009

I did the field trip, voted at the library, returned very over-due books during the amnesty day so we had no fines, helped with the blood drive, gave blood, and went to the PTA meeting and participated. Peter put together a lovely dinner for the family so I didn’t have to worry about that too.

The blood drive people loved me because I could answer all the basic questions including aspirin and products with aspirin along with the difference between aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. I also know the composition of various compounds over the counter pain meds a lot of which contain aspirin as a component. I was complimented by the principle of Caroline’s school for my cheerful and helpful manner.

Today I plan for the day to be a little less full. There are things I want to do and things I should do (laundry) but it is not going to be such a full bore to get everything done. I do have bowling this evening but that is my only scheduled activity.

Caroline had a blast at the farm. The smell took me back to my childhood and my grandma’s farm. I ended up being the chaperon who help handle the animals for the children to pet. I held a gosling, a bunny, and a kid of the goat variety so the kids could touch them. I also had a lot of animals interesting in me which was commented on by one of the farm hands. Some of the children figured out that if they were near me, they got a better look at the animals so I had a set of groupies.

Caroline learned a number of things about farm work and decided that working a farm was not for her. So strike one thing off the long list of careers she is looking at. I did point out that the smell she was smelling is going to happen if you have a lot of large animals together. I also reminded her how the elephants smelled at the Atlanta Zoo and how it was similar to what she was smelling in the barn. I like that the farm hands who are trained to teach the children didn’t sugar coat how hard farming was or how early they have to get up and take care of the animals.

I am grateful that both Caroline and I had such a great time at the farm.


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