No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

The Last Day of Spring Break 2009

Posted By on April 13, 2009

Again, no clever title probably because I am not feeling very clever.

The girls got an extra day off because we didn’t use all the built in snow days in the calendar. It gives Caroline another day to get back on schedule. Her sleep pattern has pretty much not changed so that it not going to be an issue. I have to make sure that she has enough clothing for the week so I think laundry is in the cards for today along with the gym and a couple of other errands.

The Amazon “error” was a big one and I hope that this does not get swept under the rug and how “rankings” work at Amazon is examined much more closely since it does effect the sales of books in brick and mortar stores as well. I honestly think the system is broken and flawed to the point that they should just chuck it. I have thought this for a long time because I know of some of the flaws in the systems including counting Looking at a title (or a hit) as part of the ranking which allowed for inflated ranking to selling space on the front page to publishers to “help get their book out there”. Amazon made itself pretty much the only game in town and it is even worse that I can’t use as my alternative since Amazon bought it. *sigh*

The baseball season had started. Tonight Peter is going to the opening for the new stadium for the Mets. This is the official opening as apposed to the first game played by the Mets on the field which happened about two weeks ago. I have bowling this evening so I will be watching the game between shots.

I couldn’t call this a Random Thoughts Before the Coffee Kicks In since I had a cup before sitting down to write this but the idea is pretty much the same and I am ready for my half cup or warmer.

Clarity of mind does not seem in the cards for me this morning. I have a headache, or rather a sinus ache, which is making it hard to keep two thoughts together. I think I am going to pull out the allergy medication this morning.

I am asking for no spoilers in the comments since it has only been shown in the UK, but I though that was an OK but not great episode of Doctor Who with RTD’s usual need to set things up for the next part of the story. He has a lot less space here to do it in since it is only four specials so it is a lot more obvious or I have gotten so use to his writing style that I can tell when he is doing it. It did have its moments and it was an interesting concept.

I am grateful that Peter got a ticket to Opening Day which is something he had been doing for years at Shea.


One Response to “The Last Day of Spring Break 2009”

  1. Jessica says:


    I talked with Peter at FarPoint about appearing as GOH at a literary con in Albuquerque in 2010. I can’t seem to find contact info on either Peter’s site or on yours. I would really appreciate it if either of you could email me because the convention committee would like to talk to Peter further. Thanks! Jess