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Kathleen David's weblog

Easter Sunday 2009

Posted By on April 12, 2009

No clever titles this morning, my mind is still traveling. Travel takes it out of me and plane rides just add to it. Caroline was a very good girl on the way home. She listened carefully to directions and fell asleep about 10 minutes into the flight. We had another good seatmate who was very nice. My only problem was the kicker behind me who finally fell asleep about an hour into the trip. My back is complaining a little this morning.

The weather is a little chillier up here but nice. We have a sunny day ahead.

The cats are thrilled that I am home. I have had one if not more curled up next to me since I got home last night. They even tried to sneak into the bedroom last night but were promptly kicked out.

Today I am going to let my mind catch back up and just give myself a veg day. Tomorrow will be soon enough for the stuff I need to do. Besides I have a rather busy week esp. Tuesday which includes a field trip, a PTA meeting, and the library vote which I hope to fit in.  I also have activities for Wednesday and Friday already.

But first Dottie Dolls to make I think. I have that and an ATC/D that needs to be done by the end of the month. Then the Penny Doll.

I am grateful that our trip back was relatively easy all things considered.


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