No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

The Sound of Sirens

Posted By on April 11, 2009

Yesterday was, for the most part, a rather relaxing day. Caroline played and helped outdoors. I worked on a couple of things and just took it easy. Sheila came to dinner and played with Caroline which made Caroline very happy.

All was normal. Sheila and Mom went off to church while Dad and I settled down to the ballgame as storm warnings flashing across the screen from time to time with various counties being told that they were under warning. Then the emergency broadcast system took over the cable box informing us that the tornado warnings were getting closer. We watched a little more of the ball game before the rain got to a point that they had to delay the game. And another EBS ripped across our TV but this time our county was listed as one in the tornado warning system.

I heard the warning sirens and knew it was not a test of the system. They were going too long for an accident. Caroline gathered up her stuffed animals and I got her shoes on her. We went down into the basement. I had my laptop and we tried to find out what was going on as our wifi signal popped in and out. My father got his iPhone working and we watched the weather pass over the screen. He went upstairs and the all clear was sounded.

We watched hail hit the back porch for a brief time and then just listened to the rain, the wind, and the thunder. Shortly after that my mother and sister made it back to the house a little soaked but otherwise just fine. Once the thunderstorm passed, I took Caroline up to bed and settled her down with a promise that if another storm like that came through I would go get her. My parents and I settled down to watch the Daily Show from last night and hoped that the baseball game would resume. It hadn’t by the time we turned off the TV. It did start up again and the Braves won in the 10th. I hope they don’t have an afternoon game today.

Today I pack us up and we head back home. Caroline wants to see her father and sister again. I have had a couple of days out of the house and now want to get back there. I am glad that we made the trip and I am glad to be going home.

I am grateful that the weather was not more severe here.


One Response to “The Sound of Sirens”

  1. mike weber says:

    Yeah – we had sirens up here in Gainesville. We don’t have a basement.