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Kathleen David's weblog

Rain is a Good Thing in Atlanta

Posted By on April 10, 2009

There has been a drought here in Atlanta. The counties are on severe watering restrictions. The lakes have been down quite a bit to scary levels. Conserving water and talking about conserving water has been very much a topic of casual conversation down here. This year is a little better. The lakes are only 9 feet rather then 26 feet down. There seems to be rain every couple of days which has been an unusual weather pattern the last couple of years. Today they are predicting rain and thunderstorms for the afternoon and evening so we plan to be indoors later in the day. But we are not begrudging the rain at all.

Caroline is still having fun. She got to play with her Aunt Sheila yesterday and was rather devastated that Sheila had to go after dinner. Sheila promised to come back today. I let Caroline had a sleep over with me. She curled up in the small of my back and slept soundly. I had to adjust her a couple of times so I could continue to sleep but it was fine.

I had forgotten how beautiful Atlanta is in the spring. But driving around and just walking in my parents’ backyard reminded me why I liked it so much.

I am grateful that Caroline is eating what is put in front of her (for the most part).


One Response to “Rain is a Good Thing in Atlanta”

  1. mike weber says:

    Rain is good.
    Golf ball sized hail is not good.
    Tornadoes are even less good than that.