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Kathleen David's weblog

In Atlanta where it is colder than New York!

Posted By on April 8, 2009

But the Spring is lovely! I had forgotten how beautiful spring was in Atlanta. The azaleas, the dogwoods, and other flowers are at the peak of beautifulness. However it was very cold. It almost went down to freezing but not quite.

Caroline is having a blast. She is playing with all our old toys. The Legos are a big hit. My father has a marble maze toy that she is having a lot of fun with.

Today we are off to the aquarium which Caroline is looking forward to.

We were charged $15 for one bag that I checked so everyone is trying to get their bags in the overhead which makes for very crowded overhead bins and some rather grouchy travelers. We lucked out and the gentleman seated next to us was very nice and understanding. Caroline was a trooper. She watched Bolt on my iPhone and colored quietly. There were two brothers a couple rows up having a grand game of ‘Mom! He’s touching me!’ which was rather loud. I think one eventually fell asleep.

Have a good Passover to all my Jewish readers.

I am grateful for ease of travel.


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