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Kathleen David's weblog

I-Con 2009

Posted By on April 5, 2009

I-Con was my first convention that I went with Peter as his girlfriend. It felt a little odd and I have to admit to being a little scared but I had a nice time and his friends embraced me with mostly open arms. That was 11 years ago on the Stony Brook Campus.

This year they are at another college due to Stony Brook refurbishing their athletic facility. They also have function space at two hotels. The shuttle buses do run pretty much on time but you do have to plan a little more of where you want to be when. It was a challenge that they have met for the most part but like anything new, there are going to be a few bumps before it works itself out. Same thing happened at Farpoint, but they took what they learned and are going to use that knowledge next year to make it better. I believe I-Con will do that same.

Most of my time was at the campus facility where the dealers room, anime programming, and children’s crafts room was. I got to sit down with my old friend Klon who I have known since I was 15 or so and catch up on both his family and our mutual convention buddies. Caroline got to play with ‘Rina which she was happy to do. Ariel had a bowling tourney that afternoon so Caroline and I went to the children’s crafts room and she had a blast playing with the various projects they had set up. The people running that room deserve a medal. They do such a good job every year to make sure there are interesting things for the kids to do at the convention.

Later Ariel and I caught up with a bunch of our friends and we went to a good BBQ restaurant for some food and some talk. It was one of those long meals that the conversation goes from point a to point z with lots of diversions in the middle. Ariel had fun as did I. Peter had to get some stuff done so he stay home with Caroline since she was taking a power nap when we had to get going. When I came home and they were watching Wonder Woman together. Caroline really liked the theme song to that.

Today we had things we had to do before the convention but I am going to be doing my puppet making craft with the kids this afternoon which should be fun. I have a bunch of recycled materials to work from. The only other thing on my plate is to get a copy of Monty Sauron’s Flying Nasgul to Sean Astin. Once today is over I turn my attention to getting ready to go down to Atlanta with Caroline on Tuesday. She is real excited about that.

I am grateful that Caroline has such fun at this convention.


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