No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Caroline’s School Days Update

| March 4, 2009

I haven’t done this in a while so here are my thoughts on Caroline’s year in kindergarten. She loves her teacher. Her teacher, apparently, walks on water. She drew a picture of her teacher walking on water so I know this to be true. However her little world is about to be turned a little […]


| March 3, 2009

The storm is finally over. It was amazing to see the wind whip the snow into the air and makes it difficult to see even across the street.  The wind and snow made the most amazing drifts. I hope to get some pictures before the sun starts to melt them and they slide. Getting Caroline […]

Snow Far Snow Good

| March 2, 2009

The roads are nothing I would want to travel on but in an emergency we could travel on them. Peter shoveled the walk and a path to the doors while I took care of the mess that the plows left in our driveway. The car is still a mess, but that would be no more […]

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!

| March 1, 2009

Side Note: Checks the Calendar and sees March 1, 2009 then looks out the window at the snow on the ground and falling from the sky. Checks weather report and see a possible winter storm in the forecast. Double checks calendar.  Well shoot. Checks to see if we have the makings for French Toast. Yep. […]