No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy St. Paddy’s Day 2009

| March 17, 2009

My father was a co-author on a book about lasers. I will always remember a drawing he did to show the difference between coherent and incoherent light. The coherent light showed a bunch of stick figures marching in the St. Paddy’s day parade before the bars opened in nice straight lines. Incoherent light are a […]

RTBTCKI ( The Crocuses are Up Edition)

| March 16, 2009

If all goes as planned, Caroline will be having some of her local friends over this afternoon for a showing of “Bolt” which the girls are excited about. I am going to be making the living room acceptable today for visitors. This weekend is LunaCon and I am getting ready a few things for that […]

Getting it all together and forgetting where I put it

| March 15, 2009

I think my brain went on vacation without me. Which is nice for my brain but not good for trying to organize my day or life. Basic things like day to day stuff is rock solid but my long term is hazy for projects and hasn’t snapped back into focus for a bit. And there […]

Off to my niece’s birthday party

| March 14, 2009

Today Peter, Caroline and I are off to my youngest niece’s birthday party. Ariel is off to the city to join her best friend at her birthday party. It is a festive day I think from all the parties that are being held. I am grateful for good weather.

March Madness Ahoy!

| March 12, 2009

March is a crazy month anyway. Both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere are figuring out if it is going to get warmer or stay cold. We have fluctuating temperatures that can been spring-like one day and down right freezing the next. Yesterday it rained off and on most of the day. This morning it was […]