No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Home Again

| March 22, 2009

I arrived home in fairly good time. I had a great time at LunaCon. More after I get some sleep. My thanks to all my fellow panelists for making the panels work so well. I am grateful for all the fun I had

LunaCon 2009 Friday and Saturday

| March 21, 2009

Which have sort of blurred together in my head. Drive up was not too bad with only one or two pieces of horrific traffic. Talked to a lot of friends who I rarely see and caught up on news. I made it to my first panel and we discussed the whole Terminator mess with time […]

Off to LunaCon 2009

| March 20, 2009

LunaCon is a science fiction convention that has been around for a while. I started going because I was working for Del Rey. I now go because a bunch of my friends go and it reminds me of a ChattaCon or a LibertyCon or a KublaKhan. It has that family feel with lots of people […]

LunaCon is Tomorrow!

| March 19, 2009

And don’t ask me if I am ready. Please don’t, because we both know the answer to that one. Today is all about the laundry and a few other things that I need to have done before leaving the house for a couple of days. I want to see if I can get one idea […]

Wonderful Wednesday

| March 18, 2009

When I was in college our classes ran Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday with labs on Saturday. We had Wednesday off. Ours was the last freshman class to partake in this schedule since we went from quarters to semesters and lost the Wednesday that was suppose to be used for homework and catching up on various […]