No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

LunaCon 2009 Friday and Saturday

Posted By on March 21, 2009

Which have sort of blurred together in my head.

Drive up was not too bad with only one or two pieces of horrific traffic.

Talked to a lot of friends who I rarely see and caught up on news. I made it to my first panel and we discussed the whole Terminator mess with time lines and the like. Most of my panels seem to be about time travel this weekend. Sold a couple of pieces in the art show, always nice to do. Re-met Larry Dixon and caught up on about 20 years worth of news. Funny thing was that the puppet I had on my arm was the puppet I had on my arm when we first met. And that would be Friday at the con in a nutshell.

Saturday I had an early panel about kids growing up in fandom. Then I had the rest of the day to go to panels, see friends, and catch up with more people I hadn’t seen in a while. Funny thing is that I will be seeing many of these people in two weeks at I-Con. I volunteered to help with the Masquerade, which kept me occupied for most of the evening. Some good costumes and presentations. Bob did the half-time with lots of cool trailers. I did my bit and am now in my room contemplating bed or to go out and see some people before I go to bed. Bed is winning I think because I have a lot of panels tomorrow and I have to get up early to pack up and load up the car.

I am grateful for all the fun conversations I have had this weekend.


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