No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

LunaCon is Tomorrow!

Posted By on March 19, 2009

And don’t ask me if I am ready. Please don’t, because we both know the answer to that one.

Today is all about the laundry and a few other things that I need to have done before leaving the house for a couple of days.

I want to see if I can get one idea started today in the creative realm. I have been having to stretch those mental muscles with Peter recently as we had one of those silly conversations that gets my mind moving. It has been feeling a little stagnant recently. I have ideas that is not the problem. The problem is executing these ideas outside of my head, which is the problem for a lot of writers and artists.

Reason 754 that I love my husband is that he pushes me to get these things out of my head and onto paper or mix media. He encourages me to be a better writer and artist. He doesn’t belittle an idea unless it has been done before (or done to death before) or it really don’t work and he can show me why.

So sort, wash, and dry.

I am grateful for anything I get completed today.


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