No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Getting it all together and forgetting where I put it

Posted By on March 15, 2009

I think my brain went on vacation without me. Which is nice for my brain but not good for trying to organize my day or life. Basic things like day to day stuff is rock solid but my long term is hazy for projects and hasn’t snapped back into focus for a bit. And there is the writing which has suffer because right now I can’t write well. I can’t seem to write out web log entries in an efficient manner any more. My ideas are still in my head but getting them down on paper (or electronic fashion) is like walking through pea soup fog. It will probably clear up soon as it has in the past. I’m thinking that it might be allergies which can make me feel very muzzy headed.

Caroline had a blast yesterday at her cousin’s birthday party. Beth lucked out that it was such a nice day because the kids could play outside a majority of the afternoon which made it much quieter in the house. When we had all the kids in the house, it was rather loud. The kids had a lot of pent up energy that they ran silly all over the backyard. The nice thing is that we didn’t have to force them out because they wanted to go.

I, being the tall one, volunteered my services as Piñata holder for the kiddies. I have to say that was a great idea for a Piñata. Rather than beating it to death with a bat, the kids had to pull a ribbon and only one of the ribbons would open the bottom of the Piñata and spill the candy all over the floor. I tried to spread the candy out so that all the kids would get a chance at something.

The drive there and back was not bad. The ferry does help because it gives us a break in between. It was nice to see in-laws and their friends.

I am grateful that Caroline had such a good time yesterday.


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