No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

March Madness Ahoy!

Posted By on March 12, 2009

March is a crazy month anyway. Both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere are figuring out if it is going to get warmer or stay cold. We have fluctuating temperatures that can been spring-like one day and down right freezing the next. Yesterday it rained off and on most of the day. This morning it was much colder.

Then there is college basketball and their form of March Madness. Right now all the sports pundits are trying to figure out which college team goes in which bracket for the big dance. And, given the large number of variants, who will win the whole thing. Personally I am getting tired of “Cinderella Story” and “getting their bubble burst”. I think that the system in inherently flawed as to who is in and who is out.

Then there is Twitter, which has been official called passé by the younger generation since it was a topic in Doonesberry  with Roland and it was on the Daily Show about senators and congressmen who were twittering during Obama’s joint session chat. I have been trying to explain to Peter what Twitter is and what it does and I find myself at a loss. So what is Twitter and what is the attraction and how does it work? I do want to know.

We also have St. Patrick’s Day which has turned into a large bonus day for the liquor companies.

March for me is a lot of travel for me and my family. It is a crazy month of who is where when. This weekend we are going more than one direction since Ariel is meeting up with her buddies in New York City and Caroline is going to her cousin’s birthday party. Next weekend is LunaCon for which I have a few things I need to do. And we have something the weekend after that as well. Then we have I-Con in its new location (well that is really April).

So I am taking a moment today to breath and get my mind back into the game. I am also finishing up a coat for one of Caroline’s stuffed Chihuahuas.

I am grateful for time to take a short break.


2 Responses to “March Madness Ahoy!”

  1. Emily says:

    Twitter is essentially “micro-blogging” Status updates, throughts, quotes, etc. All in 140 words or less. You can “follow” people which allows you to read all of their public “tweets”. You can also send replies, which can be read by anyone, or direct messages which only can be read by your intended recipient.

    You can do this over the web, through text-messaging on many phones, and through a numerous variety of applications that have been developed for such a purpose.

    Personally, I think it’s a lot of fun. I don’t post a lot of tweets, but I enjoy reading what my friends, or people like Stephen Fry or Amber Benson are up to.

  2. John says:

    How’s this for madness in March? There is a Muppet Movie sing along screening at The Orange County Regional History Museum In Orlando(current site of the Jim Henson’s Fantastic World exhibit) this Saturday. I’m hoping to attend. Sort of wish you could be there.