No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Space Buddies and Real Buddies

Posted By on March 11, 2009

Last night Caroline’s school had movie night. They have the kids bring a pillow and blanket and the school watched a movie. Since one parent needs to attend with their child, I went with her.

The movie isn’t bad. It has all the usual tropes of a kids in space flick except it was puppies rather than people. You can’t think too hard on this film or it falls apart at the seams. The subplot of the evil scientist who wants the project to go wrong is by the numbers but well played by Kevin Wiesman(Alias). Of course everything turned out just fine and the buddies will be back in a new adventure probably next year.

That is not the part that I enjoyed the most. I enjoyed watching Caroline interact with her buddies from kindergarten. She was sitting with her friend Dylan and his twin brother Michael. They were joined by Dominic, Angelia, K.C. and Kimmey. There was a short pillow fight that we broke up after letting them do it for a short time. There was a lot of giggling in the group and there were points that they actually watched the film.  It was a fun time for all.

I am grateful that I got to see Caroline interact with her schoolmates and meet some more parents of her friends.


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