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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Ariel is bowling right now at States

Posted By on March 7, 2009

As I type this, the state high school championship is starting to be determined up in Rochester. Ariel had her shoes on and they were doing the pledge of allegiance when I last heard from Peter. My cell phone is going to be at my hip this whole day. So think good thoughts and Go Raiders!

A friend of mine e-mailed me that it was over between her and her boy friend of a couple of years. I was sympathetic to her plight since she was really into this guy. She did say that I was right a couple of years ago when I expressed reserve that they were getting together. I hadn’t remembered doing that but apparently I did. He, according to her, is a member of the club that liked the hunt more than the success of the hunt. He enjoys pursuing the un-gettable and doesn’t know what to do when he has got it so eventually he strays and goes off onto the next un-gettable. I got permission from her to post this as long as I kept it vague as possible since not everyone knows that they have broken up yet.

Peter saw ‘Watchmen’ last night and enjoyed it. He might be seeing it with his brother who has not read the graphic novel today if everything works out.

Caroline and I are probably going to go to the aquarium today. I have a feeling it is going to be that or the in-door playground that she loves so much. I might take a chair with me to that one. But we are going to do something together today.

I am trying to get some stuff set up with Peter’s computer but I have a feeling that I can’t get the printer to handshake with the computer. I have an HP Laserjet 2100 and I am trying to get it to communicate with an iMac through the USB port. The Laserjet has a 25 pin connector and I can’t figure out if I am screwed and they will never talk or if there is something I can do so that they will talk. Anyone wants to give me any hints on how to do this, please feel free.

The other things I need to do is take all the info that was on Peter’s old computer and move it to his new computer since I currently have some space issues due to the years of data I have currently stored on my laptop.

This will happen this evening after I get Caroline settled down. With any luck tonight it will be before 12:30. She took a three hour nap after school and was up quite late as was I.

I am grateful that the team and their families made it up there safely.


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