No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday Mom!

Posted By on March 5, 2009

Today is my mother’s birthday.

Caroline made her a birthday poster which I hopes gets there on time.

My mother was a great part of shaping me into the person I am. She always taught by example.

I find that when I come to a point where I need to figure out how to mother, I think about what my mother did with me and usually go that route. It is kind of funny that I am doing all the things that I swore I wouldn’t do when I had kids but my mom was right that once you have them, your opinions change and you do what is best for the child not what would make you popular.

Practical is my mother’s middle name (well not really). She is a very practical person. She did what she needed to do so that her family would be healthy and happy. She learned how to make mac and cheese that would melt in your mouth so we wouldn’t get bored with it. She catered occasionally to our foods likes and dislikes but she would insist that we try something before we declared it in our no eat group. She learned how to cook all kinds of dishes. I got use to really good food with lots of taste which didn’t serve me well outside of the house because I was use to that taste. I still haven’t found a Hollandaise outside of hers that I like. But that forced me to learn to cook so I could recreate those tastes for myself.

She is quite the gardener. I am in awe of her abilities to grow plants. I covet her herb garden. She grew tomatoes which has ruined me for the tomatoes in the store. I find a farm stand in the summer which has homegrown. I think this year I am going to try to grown a plant or two. Caroline wants to have a vegetable garden this year and I think it would be good for her to learn about growing plants.

I love my mom very much. We have a good rapport which is nice. I know I am blessed to have her in my life.

I am grateful to my mom for everything she has done for me over the years.


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