RTBTCKI (Insert one of the 7 words here)
Posted By Kathleen David on June 23, 2008
George Carlin has died. My sympathies go out to his friends and family. I noticed that most new media are talking about the seven words you can’t say on TV but I think the list is shorter now. In fact I think I have heard three used on network TV. No, I’m not going to say them here because there are readers I don’t care to make uncomfortable. The sad thing is that George had a lot of other comedy routines that were way funnier and could be shown to the general population. He had an in your face way of looking at the world but he made us laugh.
Weather is muggy with a chance of showers and will be the entire day. It feels like you are swimming when you walk outside. Or at least pushing against a wall of water. And if it does rain, it doesn’t mean that the muggy feeling is going to go away. We might get a break Wednesday but then we are back to the same. However considering the drought that is on going in the South-East, I’m not complaining. Just packing an umbrella in my truck.
I can’t tell if I am doing better this time around or not. I have an appointment Wednesday for a follow up. I have been taking my antibiotic as prescribed and managed to keep off of the super pain pills for the most part. Salt water washes are being done and I can brush my teeth. It is just delicate to do in certain areas. The only reason I think it might be better this time is that at this point I can kiss Peter with minimal pain which was not the case last time. So continue to think good thoughts for me and my teeth.
I will be showing at the Farpoint Art Show. So I need to finish some stuff up and get some of my new ideas off the ground. I also need to make my list for DragonCon and send it off to the Art Show. And I need to put together the paragraph on my program piece for the art show. I think that is today along with some other Paperwork that MUST BE DONE. Good thing I can see the top of my desk right now.
I am grateful that I can kiss my husband.
While I like “Seven Words”, I remember the “Stuff” routine as being the one that hit home with me… but no matter what the topic, George Carlin was witty without being mean, sarcastic without being caustic and not afraid to admit to human foilibles and make funnies out of them… I will miss him.
Kathleen David wrote:
“I think the list is shorter now.”
By 1982 he’d expanded it to a great deal more than seven. I’m sure he continued along that course, so I doubt television will ever catch up to him.