No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I can’t believe just I said/did that

Posted By on September 28, 2007

One of the unique things about being a parent (and there are many) are the phrases that come out of your mouth and some of the stuff that you do for your child.

This morning, for some unknown reason that made sense to her, Caroline wrapped her plastic Llama in oil based clay and was upset that when she removed the clay there were still bits and pieces in the rough surface of the plastic. She wanted me to fix it so I found myself sitting at the kitchen table with a plastic llama and a toothpick picking the clay out of the llama’s” fur”. I got most of it and will probably take another shot at it later.

The other day I turned around in the car and said, “Stop attacking your sister with that Dragon.”

“Please take the Doctor out of the Crocodile’s mouth and take those dinosaurs and the Hulk back downstairs to your father.”

“Caroline, I don’t know where your rat is. He is probably where you left him.” This is in reference to her Remy stuffed animal from Ratatouille. We found one of the cats sleeping on top of him.

“I don’t think the cat wants to play with Diego right now.” She was trying to get the cat to let her Diego toys ride on his back.

“You can bring 2 dinosaurs or 4 dogs but not both.”

“Caroline, get the pig out of the bunny’s mouth.” She was putting Mr. Gordo into the mouth of our large stuffed rabbit with big sharp pointy teeth that is signed by the original cast of Spamalot. Another version of this is “Caroline, get the Doctor out of the Bunny’s mouth.”

“Could you put your dinosaurs away in your pirate ship please?”

I find myself repairing badly put together stuffed animals a lot. “Hold on sweetie. I have to finish stitching up this leopard and then I will fix Sponge Bob for you.”

And the list goes on. It’s rather fun.

I am grateful I can say these things with a straight face


2 Responses to “I can’t believe just I said/did that”

  1. David Peattie says:

    Just be thankful she’s not playing with Fantastic Four toys! “Caroline, take your Thing out of the rabbit’s mouth…”

    (Apologies if that was a bit crude. It’s been a long week.)

  2. Jerri says:

    Too funny! Thanks for the laugh!