No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

New Who Review for “Sound of the Drums”

| September 30, 2007

Most of this is going to be behind the cut and remember comments may be very spoilery. Over all this took what happened in Utopia and kicks it up to the next level. Solid script and solid performances all around. I really like what John Simm did. Also the logic that is Doctor Who continuity […]

WH_ _L _F F_ _TUN_

| September 29, 2007

Through some strange means that either involved people I know or just sheer dumb luck, I got four tickets to a taping of Wheel of Fortune at Radio City Musical Hall this past Friday. I didn’t really look at the tickets when I got them however we had VIP passes for the show. We got […]

I can’t believe just I said/did that

| September 28, 2007

One of the unique things about being a parent (and there are many) are the phrases that come out of your mouth and some of the stuff that you do for your child. This morning, for some unknown reason that made sense to her, Caroline wrapped her plastic Llama in oil based clay and was […]

Let NOT Go Mets

| September 27, 2007

After watching a recap of the game last night and reading the paper this morning, I have to agree with Peter. The best thing for the Mets to do at this point is lose it all and come back next season having achieved the goal of ending the season above 500. We all knew this […]

Gratitude is an Attitude

| September 26, 2007

It amazes me, and perhaps it shouldn’t, how many articles I have been reading recently about showing gratitude or expressing gratitude or making lists of things you are grateful for so you will love longer. It seems the new buzzword is gratitude which apparently, if expressed correctly, can change your life, fix your hair, and […]