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Kathleen David's weblog

Why I Love My Husband (Reason Number 52907)

Posted By on May 29, 2007

So we took my little iBook to the local Apple Store which is pretty new to the area but was doing great business yesterday. It is the usual problem but it is no longer under the extended warrantee so it looked as if I was SOL on this poor computer.

In steps my husband the white knight in shining armor (OK he was wearing a Pirates T-shirt and pants but you get the idea) and proposes a compromise which would allow me to get my computer fixed and make the Apple store happy. And that is how I became the proud owner of a new MacBook which is what I am typing this entry on. We are getting the other one fixed and it will become the machine that Peter takes with him when he goes off on business. Less usage on the iBook means a longer life for it since it was my every day computer. My husband, in his infinite wisdom, also had them transfer all the data from one machine to another. So I am not starting a zero again.

I have a bunch of things to sort out on this machine and I have to learn the keyboard since it is different than the iBook but over all I am loving the speed of the machine and the lack of overheating so far. Also the edges are sharper than my previous computer which is another adjustment.

I am so grateful to my husband for solving my computer problems for me.


2 Responses to “Why I Love My Husband (Reason Number 52907)”

  1. David Oakes says:

    Hey, at least he was wearing pants.

  2. Levi C says:

    Ðámņ, beat me to it by a day or two. It’s awesome when you have someone that can come in with a solution that benefits you and have another reason to love that person.