No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I haven’t done this in a while so Ask Me a Question

Posted By on May 16, 2007

Ask me a question. (Questions will be taken on a first come first serve basis; Questions I don’t feel like answering I will pass on (this included politics, anything I or Peter have signed a NDA on and anything to do with the wing speed of swallows [it’s been done]).

I am grateful for all questions asked.

(UPDATE: I have answered the questions asked up to now in the comments section with the questions)


9 Responses to “I haven’t done this in a while so Ask Me a Question”

  1. Tom Spurgeon says:

    Have you and Peter been watching Slings and Arrows? Given Peter’s admiration for Paul Gross and your theater background it seems like a natural fit, but I don’t think I’ve seen either of you mention it.

    (Answer: We know it is out there and we want to see it but it has not quite made it onto our viewing schedule. I’m figuring we’ll watch the series when it comes out on DVD and take it from there.)

  2. Bill Mulligan says:

    What would you use if you were trying to get foam rubber to stick to foam rubber? Is there an adhesive that would do this without being too rigid?

    Also, have you ever worn a costume that required some kind internal cooling process and if so, how did you do it?

    I want to build a full body monster costume and I can tell it’s going to be a nightmare.

    (Answer: Yes there is and I use it for my puppet structures all the time. 3-M makes an adhesive that is for putting foam together. It comes in two forms clear and orange. The orange version is easier to find and if the foam is not going to be seen the better of the two. It is 3-M foam fast 74.

    As to cooling system, there are ways to rig fans into the head of the critter. A lot of people use blue ice packs in a neoprine vest (to keep the moisture from the contact with the cosutme) to keep cool.

    For a little about fans

  3. J. Alexander says:

    Two questions: Who are your favorite performers on DOCTOR WHO? and why?

    (Answer: Boy Howdy that is a hard one since so many actors have been on the series. I really liked what Louise Jameson did as Leela and Sophie Aldred did as Ace but then I think that the definitive companion was Sarah Jane Smith played by Liz Sladen. I think I like the strong women characters best on this series.

    I though that Rowan Atkinson was a fine Doctor and Julie Sawalha did a GREAT job as did every other Doctor we saw in that sketch and Jonathan Pryce did a fine job as the Master too.)

  4. KarenBoe says:

    Will you be offering the fairy grandmothers for sale anytime?

    (Answer: Probably by DragonCon [September] but possibly earlier)

  5. Nina A says:

    Can you recommend a really good book for someone wanting to learn to make simple puppets? There are no classes locally and I’d like to make a simple one.

    (Answer: I can highly recommend JJohn E. Kennedy’s Puppet Mania which is still in print.

    Out of Print but in a lot of libraries are

    Puppets: Methods and Materials by Cedric Flower and Alan Fortney

    Complete book of Puppetry by David Currell or Puppets and Puppet Theater by the same author

    Simple Puppets You Can Make by Jennifer MacLennan (which has some great patterns for cloth puppets)

  6. Susan O. says:

    How do you get the costumes on the puppets or dolls? Is there a trick? My best figure has been half-naked for more than 5 years, because I cannot figure out how to get the “shirt” on without having to stitch it in place and leaving an ugly seam.

    (Answer: Snaps and hooks can be your friend in this. I tend to make my clothing like a “costume” so it goes onto the object and then I stitch it on with the buttons or a hidden peice of Velcro. Hope this answers the question. If not then please tell me and I will try to rephrase this)

  7. Kim Metzger says:

    What are yours and Peter’s favorite newspaper comics?

    (Answer: We have several that we read and get the collections to when they come out.

    For Better or Worse
    Get Fuzzy
    Fox Trot
    Boondocks (if he ever starts it up again)

    We also read Doonsberry, Peanuts, and Dilbert but at this point I think it is almost habit.)

  8. Bill Mulligan says:

    Kathleen, thank you for your valuable help.

  9. Nina A says:

    Thanks for the answer-I will look for those books!