No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday I could never get the hang of Mondays

Posted By on May 7, 2007

Well actually I could get the hang of Mondays, didn’t mean that I had to. It use to be that Monday was my day off when I worked in the theater which gave me about 24 hours to do everything I need to do to keep house and home together along with anything else I needed to get done for work. There would be times that I would be more fatigued on Tuesday than I felt on Monday.

When I was in college we had Wednesday off to catch up on our schoolwork. Wonderful Wednesdays we called them. We did have classes and labs on Saturday to make up for the Wednesday but it was a nice thing to have. It did make for long school days the rest of the week. Then in my sophomore year the administration decided to go from the quarter to the semester system and with that Wonderful Wednesdays went out the door.

When I managed a Borders Books, my days off were Tuesday and Friday since I didn’t have the seniority to get a weekend day off. Breaking up one’s days off was annoying since you had to plan what you were going to do on what day and if you closed the night before, then you got home usually around 1 to 2 AM.

When I worked at Del Rey, I had weekends off for the first time in my working career. Most of my other jobs involved some work on one of the weekend days and working in Theater means you automatically give up your weekends. I liked having my weekends off. Two days in a row to get done all the stuff that I couldn’t or didn’t get done during the week. It was great. And Mondays weren’t that bad since I was going into the city to a job I loved.

I think Thursday is the only day I have not had off consistently.

I am grateful for days off


One Response to “Monday I could never get the hang of Mondays”

  1. Megan says:

    Once our youngest child started pre-school when she was three, Monday became my “downtime” day. Everyone at work, school, preschool then (work, Uni, school now), so the house is quiet. This became the day that I could get all the washing, ironing, vaccuuming and floor-washing done. Now the family are a lot older, it’s not such a big deal. It’s my first Pilates day for the week (I go 3 times a week), and then I get the rest of the day for either study or sewing. It’s also the one day that if Work calls, I’m not available.
