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Kathleen David's weblog

When Adults act like Children

Posted By on May 6, 2007

I was thinking of doing my monthly TIATF but then I read a couple articles in the paper and that sort of went out the window for today. Not that I am not thankful but these started me thinking in another direction.

The first was a short article about a video that is making the rounds of the Internet in which David Hasselhoff’s daughter Taylor-Ann pleads with her father who is drunk on the floor not to get any more alcohol since he will lose his job if a doctor finds any alcohol in his system. The child had reversed roles with the parent and is trying to get them to see reason. I have had a number of friends over the years that have been put in that position. The adults comment on how mature these kids are but the maturity is a matter of survival. Most of these people have grown up into responsible adults but a few have gone and repeated the cycle that they saw as children. I really hope that this video is a wake up call for Mr. Hasselhoff and he does something positive for both his daughter and him.

The second was Paris Hilton who has come up with every excuse in the book including getting her personnel to fall on their “swords” for her and say it was their fault that she was driving without a license and against the plead deal she had signed with a couple of lawyers at her side. She is still figuring that she will find a way out of having to go to the county lock-up for 45 days. According to her mother, she is being picked on because of who she is. I say that she has been given a number of breaks that the normal population of the United States never sees with these kinds of charges. She has been giving alternative sentences, which she has chosen to ignore. She really is under the illusion that the laws of the land don’t apply to her because she is rich and popular which seems to be a delusion of the rich and popular.

Personally I would love to see her serve the 45 days but I have a feeling that all that would happen would be that she would get a book deal for a tell all about her horrible experience on the inside. [At least Martha (who I do believe was not exactly in the right but did not get the fair deal that everyone else in that mess got since she was the only one to serve serious jail time) has not written a book about her time inside but it does seem to have changed her out look on both life and the people in it.] Paris is not going to learn squat from this and will continue to amuse the masses with her exploits of stupidity until she wraps herself around a tree and then everyone is going to point fingers as to what or who went wrong and someone is going to say if only the judicial system had imposed those penalties like they were suppose to by law then maybe Paris would still be around. Maybe if she stopped acting like an idiot and took some personal responsibility of her actions this can be avoided. I know a couple of young actors who went off the drugs after River Phoenix OD and are probably alive because of it and one can hope that the accident heading Paris’ way will do the same for some of these pretty party people.

I am grateful for my early examples of what happens when adults act like idiots.


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