No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

The Long Road Back

Posted By on May 4, 2007

Health is a funny thing. You don’t really notice it until something goes wrong and you are officially in bad health. Then one tends to yearn for a time when you were in good health again. It can take a while to get from bad to good where it seems that you go from good to bad in a blink of an eye.

I have been slowly working my way back to good health since my body took a number of hits one after another. I’m not there yet but I do feel that I am further along towards the good side of the scale than I have been in a while. Energy is the biggest problem these days in that I seem to have a limited amount of it before great fatigue settles in and makes it hard to do anything. But I have notices that slowly that is getting better and my energy seems to be lasting longer. Which is a good thing since I have a four year old who is a bundle of energy.

In things that amuse me, I was interested to find out that LucasFilms and Robot Chicken teamed up for probably one of the odder tributes to the 30th anniversary of the film. The trailer is on You Tube and I thought it was pretty doggone funny.

Robot Chicken Star Wars Special Trailer

There are going to be some really cool stamps too and a couple of other things to celebrate the 30 anniversary of a film that shaped some of our lives and most of our culture.

Speaking of stamps, domestic postage goes to 41 cents on May 14th, 2007 and other forms of postage are raised accordingly. But they are now doing a “universal” stamp that never expires no matter what the postage rates go to.

I am grateful for more energy both mental and physical.


One Response to “The Long Road Back”

  1. Megan says:

    Time and rest are what’s needed. Sometimes we Mums are so busy trying to hold it all together looking after everyone else, that we forget to “mother” ourselves.
