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Kathleen David's weblog

The Island of Lost Stuff

Posted By on April 30, 2007

I finally found a book I had almost given up finding. It is one of my many puppetry books but this one has a diagram that I needed for something I am doing. I swear I checked that shelf a dozen times for the book and it was not there until I went looking for another book last night and there it was. Sometimes I swear this house has TARDIS-like qualities.

This also goes for tools and craft supplies. I can sort and organize until the cows come home and there is always something missing at a critical moment in the construction progress. Currently I have 4 pairs of needle nose pliers out on some great adventure because I sure as heck can’t find them.

Right now one of my camera cables has gone missing. Now I can take the chip and have my local camera shop put the pictures onto a disk but it is ticking me off that I can’t find this one cable where I did find a couple of missing cell phone chargers to cell phones we no longer own.

I need to clear my head of its clutter too. Right now I have too much and too little rattling round in my brain. A quiet moment turns into a cacophony of thoughts crashing into each other. I have tried various tricks and techniques that I have learned over the years to calm the storm in my head but I can’t say that it is working that well these days.

I am grateful that I have a lot to think about.


3 Responses to “The Island of Lost Stuff”

  1. Megan says:

    One day, I’ll tell you about when I found my mother’s engagement ring that I had lost for 3 years.

  2. Megan says:

    One day, I’ll tell you about when I found my mother’s engagement ring that I had lost for 3 years.

  3. Megan says:

    Sorry about the double post, the message said it had failed and to re-send.