No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

It’s almost MAY!?!?!?!

Posted By on April 28, 2007

Where did April go? Last time I looked it was April 1st and I was doing Wendy’s dollmaking class now it is almost May and I haven’t gotten much done since.

Woke up with Caroline this morning at 6:15 and my tinnitus was giving me its entire set of chimes in my ears. It was so bad I could barely think so I put myself on auto-pilot and got Caroline breakfast and then made pancakes for the rest of the family. After taking some anti-inflammatory which usual does the trick, the ringing continues and I could hear the blood pounding in my head. So Peter, bless his heart, took Caroline with him to take Ariel to her teaching job and let me go back to sleep. About 10:30 I awoke again without the ringing or at least it is back to its dull roar that I can ignore. It is amazing the difference in my ability to deal with the world when I can hear it too well and when I can hear normally. Yeah I do know where I got this condition. It was during my theater days when I had to fire a gun in an enclosed space during a production of Night Mother and like an idiot didn’t use hearing protection. Loud noises repeatedly are not friendly to your ears kids.

Now I feel rested and ready to take on the day or what is left of it.

The dentist found out that there was more damage to the tooth than he thought so it took a little longer and will probably eventually become my second root canal but not at this point. So my jaw ached for a bit yesterday because it was one of the back molars and I had to have my mouth really open for it. Ouchie. But it is done and I can chew just fine.

So now I need to sort out May and get some stuff done. Maybe I’ll be healthy this next month which would be a nice change this year.

I am grateful to Peter for allowing me the sleep I needed to get rid of the ringing.


2 Responses to “It’s almost MAY!?!?!?!”

  1. MasonK says:

    I’m sorry. I stole the month so that I could have extra daylight savings.

  2. KarenBoe says:

    Bad MasonK.