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Kathleen David's weblog

Thunder or Lighting; Something Frightening

Posted By on April 27, 2007

We had a gully washer this morning with plenty of thunder and lighting just to make it interesting. The lighting never really got close according to the mental count but still it was rather impressive. So it is a little cooler this morning but the air has that “clean” smell you get after a really good storm. Caroline either slept through it or didn’t come out of her room. I am betting slept through it. When she is deep asleep, it can be very hard to rouse her.

Some more cleaning was done but not much else. Energy seems to be at a premium these days for me. I think I am still recovering from various health problems I have had over the past month or so. I have a dental appointment to fill a cavity that was found during my last check-up so that will be the middle chunk of my day. I did get the thumb hole on my new bowling ball re-drilled so maybe now it won’t have me join it half way down the lane so I do need to practice with that. We don’t have anything really planned for the weekend so that will be nice and the Youth leagues are over so Ariel doesn’t have any tournaments to help with in the afternoon. She still teaches Hebrew School in the morning on Saturday.

I am grateful for gully washers.


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