No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Things That Make Me Happy

Posted By on April 21, 2007

Henceforth these sorts of entries will be called TTMMH which will join RTBTCKI.

This morning Caroline put a shoehorn to her nose and started quacking. She came over and asked me to guess what animal she was. I went through all kinds of animals and she giggled and told me to guess again. It was fun playing pretend with my daughter.

Watching one of my three cats stretched out as long as he can go (almost the length of the couch) and give a happy snort as he relaxes in the sunbeam that is coming through the window. He’s a happy cat right now. Caroline goes over and starts to gentle pet him and I can hear the purr from here.

Watching Caroline dress herself “all by self”.

Having Peter hand me the manuscript to his next book and asking me to give it a quick read-through because he wants to know what I thought of it. (Personally I thought it was very good and I hope there is a sequel).

Watching Ariel and Caroline play games together.

Getting a project started and out of my head into motion.

Completing a project.

A clean kitchen makes me happy. Even with the knowledge that like laundry, it is a never-ending task.

Learning a new skill.

Listening to Caroline tell stories as she plays with her toys. It is fun to see that her toys have full lives with lots of adventure. I also enjoy that family groups are important to her. She has her stuffed animals divided out into families that help each other.

Bowling well or watching my family members bowl well.

Spending time with friends just being friends.

I am grateful for all that makes me happy.


3 Responses to “Things That Make Me Happy”

  1. Bill Mulligan says:

    Your stories about Caroline make me realize just how much I miss having my girls at that age. Not that i want them to stay children forever…well, maybe I do.

  2. mike weber says:

    “This morning Caroline put a shoehorn to her nose and started quacking. She came over and asked me to guess what animal she was. I went through all kinds of animals and she giggled and told me to guess again. It was fun playing pretend with my daughter.”

    Which remind me of two stories out of Nashville fandom:

    I can’t remember who it was, but when their daughter was about three or four, it went:

    “What does a cow say?” “Mooo!”

    “What does a dog say?” “Woof!”

    “What doe a duck say?” “Quack!”

    “What does a cat say?” “Ack!”

    When Jeanna Tidwell was three or four, John Hollis taught her the names of various Nashville fans – “Who’s that, Jeanna?” “Unca Dan [Caldwell]!”, “Who’s that?” “Aunty Fran [Bray]!”, etc., until it came time to point to Khen Moore and say “Who’s that, Jeanna?”

    “Unca Nickelnose!”

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