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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI (The “what is that round ball in the sky” edition?)

Posted By on April 20, 2007

We have sunshine, real sunshine for the first time since last Saturday. It is suppose to warm up into the mid 60s and the wind is very light. The weather is supposes to continue to improve towards spring over the weekend.

My husband knows me well. He came back from the comic book shop with Dr. Who toys we can use in our TARDIS including a Captain Jack figure. I think it is time to set this puppy up and play with it. Yes, we do play with the toys we buy. Mint in box doesn’t really exist around here.

Caroline loves to duel with a pair of toy foam swords we got her at the Ren Faire last year. She has pretty good fencing form too. We have taught her that you don’t hit the cats with them nor do you hit people unless they have a foam sword too and have agreed to duel.

Caroline is back to her Caroline-self. Her energy level and appetite is back to normal. It is nice having her bouncing around again. I think she has a visit to the playground in her future today.

Ariel has a ceremony tomorrow for her Youth Leader Bowling group. She knows that she is going to get some award but we don’t know which. This is the group that gave her the big honking trophy last year.

Monday has been declared, “International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day” where it is encouraged to give away professional grade work on line. This is in response to Dr. Hendrix’s diatribe about the state of publishing and authors which he wrote to explain why he is not running for the VP position in SFWA. I wouldn’t be the VP for SFWA on a bet. Talk about herding cats. Anyway I plan to give away the first chapter of a book I have been working on for a while.

I am grateful for that great yellow ball that gives light and warmth.


2 Responses to “RTBTCKI (The “what is that round ball in the sky” edition?)”

  1. Noelia says:

    I read an older post where you were in Greet Street Hooligans premiere, im wondering if you have any pictures or any informationa bout CHarlie Hunnam that day, so i can upload to my site, thanks

  2. Sean Scullion says:

    Mint in box…isn’t that just for talking about peppermint patties going through the mail?