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Kathleen David's weblog

I got into the DragonCon Art Show

Posted By on April 19, 2007

I received notice that my work has been accepted for DragonCon. Now to sort out what I am going to take with me. I figure some of my character puppets which are at a lower price point would be good. No Doctors this year since I did them last year. I have some doll ideas including some more Fairy Grandmothers for sale. There is a wacky marionette floating around my head too.

Now I just need to apply for Shoreleave and I think my art shows are set for this year. I’ll have to see what other shows we are going to. I do know there is one next year that I want to exhibit at since it will be in a totally new part of the country for me. I had a very kind offer to help get my art out to San Diego Comic Con (Thanks Theresa!) but I think I am going to pass this year. If the offer is open for next year, then I would love to.

I have two things I need to do by the end of the month. I have to bust ášš on one of them but what else is new?

I am grateful that I got into DragonCon.


5 Responses to “I got into the DragonCon Art Show”

  1. Sean Scullion says:

    Congrats, Kathleen!! See, you get some good stuff, too!

  2. Megan says:

    See, I told you that as one door closes another opens.

    Did Shana have a good day yesterday?

    Have a good weekend.


  3. Jerri says:

    Kathleen, that’s great! After seeing your Fairy Grandmother creation, I am eager to see more of your art… we’ll be there! And the pendulum DOES eventually swing back the other way…


  4. KarenBoe says:

    Will we be able to order the Fairy grandmothers here when you are ready like we did the Phluzzies?

  5. Megan says:


    If it’s not too much to ask that if you are going to make and sell you gorgeous Fairy Grandmothers, what would be the chance of ordering one? Obviously I would pay the international postage etc.

