No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Batten Down the Hatches

Posted By on April 15, 2007

We’re in for some weather. But I planned for it so it probably won’t be as bad as it would be if I hadn’t planned for it. We did get the property picked up and put away a few things that normally we keep out for fear of them getting blown down the street. I have one door I have to finish securing and we will be ready for the winds which are just now picking up.

My productiveness for the day was playing with Caroline. We played Candyland, which she will follow the rules if I insisted on it. I think I am going to get Chutes and Ladders next. We also played a number of games of dominos and matching cards. I think she needed to reconnect with her mommy since both of us had been under the weather for a while. Today I want to get some other stuff done. Caroline and Ariel are in Peter’s office watching one of the many “land before time” DVDs.

Among my goals today is to finish the laundry. It still amazes me how much laundry four people can generate in a week. I am more than half way there and plan to have it all done by this evening.

Peter is having one of his rare “Ask me a question” on his blog ( and some of the questions have been good ones. So feel free to join in.

I am grateful that I went food shopping yesterday and the larder is stocked.


One Response to “Batten Down the Hatches”

  1. Megan says:

    Finish the washing? Is that possible? We are a family of 6, the washing is never ending!! 🙂