No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

A Pause before the Storm

Posted By on April 14, 2007

We had a nice visit from Kristian Ayre’s yesterday. Caroline liked him a lot. Peter and Kristian talked about ‘Space Cases’ and other things they were both working on. We had a nice lunch at one of our favorite lunch spots and, for the most part, Caroline behaved herself. A pleasant afternoon was had by all. I have now met a number of the cast from the show and they are uniformly a great group of people.

Today is a bit of a catch-up day on some other stuff that has gone to the wayside while I was getting over several things that have been kicking my tushie. I need to sit down and figure out how much time I have left to do what in and just do it. I think a trip to the fabric store in my near future too. But I don’t want to push too hard because I want to continue to feel better so it is a balancing act.

We have some nasty weather heading our direction. Of course the local weather guys and gals are just dizzy with anticipation (or maybe that the wind) so dire predictions are flying everywhere. I just have a feeling in my bones that anything I want to get done outside of the house needs to be done today because I am not going to want to leave the house tomorrow. Peter and I also need to walk the property and batten down anything that is not secure at this time. I am expecting that we are going to have branch clean up when it is all over.

I am grateful for radios.


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