No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog


Posted By on April 13, 2007

I can’t tell y’all how much it thrills me when my daughter leans her forehead on my head and it is cool to the touch. She is herself again. Yeaaaaaa! (with best Kermit the Frog arm wave).

I did get done what I needed to get done yesterday and most of what I needed to get done this morning. And that felt good. First time in a long time that I got through the day and didn’t feel like I was behind when I went to bed.

I saw something really cool this morning. Peter is dubbing off some Space Cases episodes for Kristian and he found the un-aired pilot of the series. It is interesting to see all the changes between that and the aired pilot. Caroline likes the show.

The weather is still not warm, in fact it is rather cool this morning. We briefly had sunshine but it is clouded up again.

I am grateful for getting things done in a timely fashion.


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