No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

On the Mend (As I cross my Fingers)

Posted By on April 9, 2007

Slowly Caroline and I are returning to the ways of normal people. Caroline’s appetite seems to be pretty much back to normal. She is still sniffing and not quite normal temperature but she is much better than she was even yesterday so the antibiotics seem to be doing their job. I am not coughing as much and the cough is now sounding productive rather than life threatening so I am tentatively thinking that I am getting better too. I do know that for the first time in a while, my brain does not seem locked in a permanent fog.

Yesterday was kind of quiet which was good. Peter and Ariel went to see a play in the city called “The Number 14” by the Axis Theater Company from Canada. They picked this play because Kristian Ayre was in the show and Peter had cast Kristian in “Space Cases”. Peter and Ariel had lunch with Kristian and his girlfriend after the show and caught up on lots of news.

Caroline and I settled in and watched “Nightmare before Christmas” at Caroline’s request. We then switch to Gumby cartoon and Caroline took a much needed nap. Peter and I went out to dinner just the two of us to spend a little time together and reconnect considering all the stuff that has been going on in our lives.

Today I plan to get some stuff done that has been on hold since I got sick. Then I’ll sort out what the rest of the month looks like. Wednesday is paper recycling and we have a bit that we need to get ready to recycle.

I am grateful that Peter and Ariel went to see Kristian.


One Response to “On the Mend (As I cross my Fingers)”

  1. This is really a private message, not one for posting, but I see no way to reach you other than posting it! I just worked my way back to your current entry (I’m glad you and Caroline are improving) from an archival one that indicated that you MAY have a video showing Bruce Schwarz at work. I saw him in Massachusetts years ago (about 1975?) and have remembered his magic ever since. I would do anything to glimpse it again. Can we do a trade? Copies of ANY AND ALL of the children’s books I have written for your daughter (except HUGS and KISSES; I have only my personal copies left of those out-of-print ones) in return for borrowing (and promising faithfully to return) such a tape if you can find it. (Surely you would never discard such a treasure; it must be around somewhere.)
    My sister and I used to have a marionette theater together when we were in our teens; we wrote our own plays. Do you think that qualifies me to join Puppeteers of America? They apparently have a video that can be loaned to members only.
    I can find no other trace of a record of the work of that genius anywhere.
    Take care of yourself, and forgive the utter selfishness of this request — Alice
    P.S. Maybe the silver lining of having to post this is that some of your other readers are probably puppeteers too, and may be able to advise me of other sources that can’t be found through googling Schwarz’s name.