No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Caroline is feeling Much Better! Thank You!

Posted By on April 8, 2007

After she took a four-hour nap yesterday, she seemed much better than before. Her temperature is still not quite normal but way down from what it was yesterday. She went to bed in her own bed and slept the night through without problems and woke up her perky self ready to take on the world at 6:15 in the morning. I think we have turned the corner on this one.

Thank you for all your kind thoughts, wishes, prayer, energy, etc.

I can say now I don’t think I have been as scared about my child’s welfare as I have been in the past two days any other time she has gotten sick. Usually we can break the fever’s hold on her in about 24 hours and she is well on her way to mending. But the second night of having to wrap her in wet towels to get her fever down rattled me to the core. Maybe because of all the other stuff that has been happening this year I was more sensitive to all the bad things that might happen to her. Maybe because I have been ill myself and I don’t think that my brain has quite returned to firing on all cylinders yet. Maybe because I brought this bug home and the reason she was sick was because I had gotten sick. Whatever the reason, the last couple of days have been nerve wracking.

Our annual Egg hunt has been cancelled due to illness. I was so sick last week that I didn’t have time to set it up and I really don’t think Caroline is up for it either right now. So Peter Cottontail made a visit with baskets for both of the girls. I did a mix of toys and candy. Caroline is eyeing her chocolate rabbit with great anticipation. The stuffed Peeps Bunnies went over very well too. Currently the two new bunnies are off with the dinosaurs having some sort of adventure that includes climbing a great mountain.

Speaking of Peter Cottontail, I think South Park this past week was one of the most demented explanations for the connection between the bunny and Jesus I have ever heard. The scary thing was that it almost made sense. I am glad that they brought a certain character back after a couple of years. And it took me a minute to figure out that they were singing “Here comes Peter Cottontail” in Latin (well pretty close to).

Things are returning to normal. I am not feeling 100% yet, but I am better than I was yesterday and worlds better than I was two days ago. Caroline seems on the mend. Peter and Ariel are off to the city to see a show that an old friend of Peter’s is in.

The weather is crisp but nice and life is, on the whole, pretty doggone good.

For those who celebrate it, Happy Easter. To all others, I hope you have a great day.

I am so grateful that things are returning to normal.


3 Responses to “Caroline is feeling Much Better! Thank You!”

  1. KarenBoe says:

    Wonderful news. I have my fingers crossed that this is the last bad thing to happen to you guys for this year. Roses from now on!

  2. Megan says:

    So pleased to hear that both Caroline and you are on the mend.

    We had a lovely Easter. We had all our “little chickens” home as it is the first weekend of the School holidays and Uni mid semester break. Very nice to go to “Sunday@6” (early Evening Service) last night with all the family. Lex heads back to Wagga Wagga (about 410kms south west of us) tomorrow. He has some work that requires on-campus equipment to do for a group assessment task due in 4 weeks. He’s coming home Friday for their Dad’s birthday party next Saturday night (it’s one of those “milestone” birthdays, but I’m not allowed to say the number out loud).


  3. mike weber says:

    Granddaughter Maggie just made a trip to the emergency room down in the Macon area (where Helen and Steve have moved) with an ear infection, but is much better the next day.

    Very scary.