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Kathleen David's weblog

Think Good Thoughts for Caroline

Posted By on April 7, 2007

Well her fever keeps disappearing and reappearing. It goes up, but we can get it to go down with the tried and true methods. She is a miserable littl’ bug right now but is shown a brave face.

We had her sleep with me last night so I could keep an eye on the fever. Peter kept checking in on her too. This morning it was way up again and we worked to bring her back to something closer to normal. Right now she is curled up on the couch next to me and drifting back to sleep which is probably the best thing for her.

Needless to say we are concerned about her and doing everything we can for her.

So good thoughts, prayers, energy, etc. are gratefully accepted.

I am grateful that the fever is responding to medication.


4 Responses to “Think Good Thoughts for Caroline”

  1. Tim Lynch says:

    As many good thoughts are heading your way as we can muster! Lisa had a bit of a fever yesterday, but nothing much — it topped out at around 100, and so far Katherine seems to be fever-free.

    There’s definitely nasty stuff going around, though, and the coughing here is pretty substantial.

    Here’s hoping Caroline’s fever has broken by the time you read this!


  2. Susan O. says:

    Whenever my son got a fever, he’d start vomiting, which made getting Tylenol in him a nightmare. What my pediatrician recommended – and it works like a charm in adults too – is piggybacking. Give Tylenol, then half way to the next dose give Motrin, then Tylenol on time, then Motrin when it’s time, etc. You can use both at once, because they’re very different compounds and won’t interact (check with a pharmacist if in doubt). This way, the fever never has a chance to creep up. I lived through my last two major viruses this way. Good luck to you both!

  3. Elayne Riggs says:

    Sending as much mojo as I can muster. Get well soon, kiddo!

  4. KarenBoe says:

    Poor baby. Get well soon Caroline!