No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Life at over 100 degrees

Posted By on April 6, 2007

Now let me start by saying that all parties in this piece are fine and not running fevers at this point in time. We’re still coughing and sniffing but nothing like yesterday.

Yesterday was a miserable one for me. I kept running a fever that topped out at 101 at one point. I would get it to go down but it would creep back up. Peter kept Caroline out of my hair so I could rest. I drank a lot different fluids to stay hydrated. I didn’t feel like eating much at all. Finally right before I went to bed, the fever seemed to have broken.

So at 3:00AM I heard Caroline coughing as did Peter who went to her room to check on her. She was very hot. We checked her temperature and it was a dangerous 105. One degree higher and we would have been off to the emergency room. We gave her fever medicine and got her into a tepid bath and then when she decided that she had enough bath, we wrapped her in wet towels. We arranged ourselves on the bed and watched ‘the Last Unicorn’ together. Caroline fell asleep.

Peter then had to get up very early to pick up Ariel. I dozed next to Caroline until she woke up at 8:30. Her temperature was normal when I took it this morning. I gave her some more of her “nose medicine” as she calls it since she was still sniffing. Now she is vegging on the couch watching Wow Wow Wubzy. Ariel is back safely and Peter is upstairs getting some well deserved sleep.

Over all I think we are OK. Calls to various Doctors are going to be made with appointments probably to follow. I need sometime stronger than over the counter cough medicine to deal with this gut busting cough I have. With any luck this is the last of the David Household to catch this crud.

I am so very grateful that Caroline’s fever came down last night.


One Response to “Life at over 100 degrees”

  1. KarenBoe says:

    I’m very glad you are better. The coughs this year tend to linger. When I got sick I thought the cough would never go away, even though I was completely well otherwise. I hope yours gets gone quickly. I’m also glad Caroline didn’t react as badly to this as you did. Mattie had a much milder form of whatever I had, too. Nothing worse than trying to soothe a sick and suffering child and wishing it was you instead.