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Kathleen David's weblog

Fairy Grandmother

Posted By on April 3, 2007

I had a clever title but I cannot remember what it was. Yesterday was a day of not feeling well culminating in get rid of the contents of my stomach several times through out the afternoon and evening. I still can’t seem to shake this cough that has settled in my lungs and back of my throat. It is probably one of three things, allergies, a bug I picked up over the weekend (only reason I think that is because Wendy was sick Saturday and Sunday with an awful cough), or it is a reaction to the dust and fumes I encountered at the Compleat Sculptor while making the doll.

Speaking of which, here she is

Fairy Grandmother.jpg

I call her the Fairy Grandmother and this shot really doesn’t do her justice but you can at least see what I made over the weekend. This one is leaps and bounds above the one I made 2 years ago. Muchly isn’t in the same species so it is hard to compare but I know that the Fairy Grandmother is an improvement on last year. There were some catch phrases that come out of these sorts of classes and one of this year’s was “Matron Bøøbìëš” and how to make them. That, “Shtumpy” and Toby asking if anyone needed their bits examined (doll parts that is.)

So today I need to start on a couple of projects if I am feeling up for it. The cough and tickle at the back of my throat is still there. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of hot tea in my future today.

I am grateful for the few things I did get done yesterday including baking cupcakes for my bowling team (We took 8 out of 11 last night)


4 Responses to “Fairy Grandmother”

  1. Cheryl Zehner says:

    Thanks for sharing and how lucky to study with Wendy. She is awesome and her bøøbš look appropriately “frumpy”. I really like her facial expression and she looks ready to cast a spell.

  2. Debb says:

    Your grandmother looks great love her.I tried to sign up by it was full waiting for next year. Guess I need to save some money to.

  3. jan Demetralis says:

    Thanks for sharing !! I love her!!I love her face — her clothes and color..I alway love a doll that makes you wonder what she is up to !! I love Wendy Froud too!!I would love to take a class from her LUCKY YOU!! ANd I know WENDY WAS HAPPY WITH HER TOO– AS SHE IS FAB!! HUGS JAN D

  4. KarenBoe says:

    I love her! Let us know when you decide to sell fairy grandmother dolls. I think she’d look great protecting my daughters room!